James Hardie’s Linea Weatherboard battles the elements in a new campaign via Federation


Screen Shot 2014-07-22 at 10.28.12 am.jpgJames Hardie has launched a new fantastical TVC to promote its Linea Weatherboard product to homeowners via NZ agency Federation.

The spot follows the story of a house that transforms during a storm, evolving into a protective robot whose Linea cladding has prepared him to battle the elements, defending the family inside. As the weather rages, viewers see the delight of the young girl safe inside the robot house as he triumphs against lightning, howling wind, driving rain and coastal sprays.

James Hardie’s Linea Weatherboard was traditionally marketed to architects, developers and group builders – business-to-business only. Federation saw the opportunity to go direct to the consumer because research showed the agency that even if the homeowner’s builder or architect offers a recommendation, it’s often the homeowner who makes the final decision.


Federation had to find a way of communicating the impressive product benefits of Linea weatherboard (classic lines, resistant to damage from fire and moisture, low maintenance, sustainably made, environmentally friendly) in an entertaining and visually compelling way. Bearing in mind that it’s not just a rational choice for people building a new home, emotions come into the decision-making process too.


Agency: Federation

Client Company: James Hardie

Brand / Product: Linea Weatherboard

Client / Contact: Justin Burgess, Paul David, Julie Huguet and Marek Koliandr

Account Team: Murray Reid, Sharon Henderson, Courtney Seward and Louise Beuvink

Creative Director: Matt Campbell

Writer: Bibi Bliekendaal

Art Director: Dave Bolton

Agency Producer: Peter Mayo

Production Company: Waxeye

Waxeye Producer: Tony Leslie

Director: Paul James

Animation /VFX: Paul James, Kelsey Jones, Vlad Vasin, Dan Taylor, and Will Brand

Voice Over: Ben Baker

Sound Design and Mix: Glen Cleaver @ Bigpop Studios

Music Recording and Production / Orchestra: Bigpop Studios, Paul Harrop and the Aotea Youth Symphony.

Typography: Dave Bolton and Duncan Wilson

Media: MBM