Calling all C-Suites: An impressive agency roster of successful data-driven storytelling


0.jpgThe following is a guest blog post from Chet Dalzell (left), senior director, communications and industry relations for DAA and a member of the ECHO Board of Governors.

In an era not so long ago, creative directors lived in a world where the big idea was the champion – and that champion came from highly compensated (more or less) idea makers, both themselves and their creative teams, and the big idea was put to the advertising test. If the big idea was provocative enough, then it might win creative awards at a global creative festival. Other creatives would fawn, congratulate each other, and champagne would flow. Not a bad outcome, if you’re a creative director.

But did the advertising work? Did it achieve a client business objective? Did it engage customers and produce sales, orders, leads…? Perhaps, or perhaps not. Back then, only direct marketers cared about measurement.

top-20-agencies.jpgEnter data. Well, data entered the advertising marketplace when direct mail and direct selling made its debut… but let’s fast forward — not to discount direct mail pioneers and their cousins in direct-response print and broadcast and telemarketing – to the digital era. Wow, today, do we have data!

Combine that creative genius, with a heavy dose of data insights and strategy, and now we have data-driven creative – where creative effort is measured against action. No more gut instincts and guesswork. Agencies and in-house marketing departments can prove that their creative ideation works, and in fact, can use prospect and customer data to drive the creative ideation to predict and produce defined business outcomes.

Is there still a role for the big idea? Of course! In fact, breakthrough creative is indeed a mechanism for breaking clutter. But now, we have the means for one more de-clutter breakthrough: relevance. Using data insights to drive strategy, combined with compelling creative and storytelling, and now we’re proving our c-suite mettle.

There’s a role for creative festivals. Continue reading on ECHO’s website…