Hell Pizza serves up new pizza and billboard for New Zealand’s unruly tourists via BC&F Dentsu

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Hell_UnrulyTourists (1).jpgThe last seven days has seen the most egregious violation of New Zealand sovereignty in living memory, as a roving band of ne’er-do-wells has instigated a string of outrageous incidents across this fair nation. They trashed a beach, threatened people with violence, engaged in petty theft, even dined and dashed from respectable restaurants (and a Burger King).

HELL Pizza, not content to sit on the sidelines has decided to join the conversation with a new pizza just for New Zealand’s tourists from Hell, developed by BC&F Dentsu.

An image of the billboard shared on HELL’s Facebook page says: “Terms and conditions: Only available to notorious families of rabble rousers who have stolen a rope, trashed a beach, and received a deportation notice in the last seven days. @John Johnson, drop in to any branch of Hell in New Zealand to redeem your prize.”