Digital shop Tango launches new online campaign for Panasonic’s Lumix G-series camera

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lumix-panasonic-tango-surprise-brendon-beattie.jpgThe new Panasonic Lumix G-series campaign that ‘let’s anyone shoot like a pro’ has taken its campaign further with K-Road based digital shop Tango.

The campaign sets out to prove the claim is true by equipping a top professional photographer and a pair of amateurs with identical G-Series cameras. Both the professional and the amateurs were given the same 10 briefs and the same deadline to deliver their best shots.

lumix-panasonic-tango.jpgThe pairs of shots are displayed on the website where visitors get to pick their favourites and see as they go along whether they’ve sided with the amateurs or the pro and go into the draw to win a camera. 

Once they’ve checked out all 10 pairs, visitors get to see a running campaign score.

Says James Smith, Panasonic New Zealand promotions & advertising manager: “Saying these cameras rock – and they do – is one thing. Tango’s solution proves it, and we couldn’t be happier with the result.”