Telecom NZ launches phase one of its new retail website via digital experience agency Touchcast

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Telecom_Website[1].jpgAfter months in the making, digital experience agency Touchcast, has launched phase one of Telecom’s new retail website,, in collaboration with Telecom’s digital team.


says Andrew Hawley, managing director of Touchcast: “This is but one of several concurrent projects we’re working on with Telecom to help evolve the way it interacts with its customers – but perhaps the most significant given so many people engage with it daily.

“This new site is but the first of a constantly iterative digital experience that puts customers at its heart… what you see today will continue to change based on customers needs and an evolving technology stack, with significant improvements already in motion, including a mobile experience in development.”


Mark Glenn, head of experience design at Touchcast, spearheaded the project from a UX perspective working alongside Julie Rowe, managing partner of the agency’s Auckland office, who led the project team.

Says Glenn: “For all of us in the team, evolving the experience from a product to a customer focused IA was key. It has helped create a simpler more intuitive navigation, clearer content hierarchy and more consistent actionable furniture throughout all pages. Other significant experience changes that flowed from the IA included a dedicated home for brand/experience messages called ‘discover’, and we consolidated customer account management into a single space.”


Anne Chen, Telecom digital strategy marketing manager said the redesign was a great collaborative effort with Touchcast, which since April 2013 has managed Telecom’s digital assets.

Says Chen: “Touchcast are more like part of the Telecom team than like an agency, and so they really live and breathe what matters to our customers.”

Says Hawley: “Co-design and co-creation is fast becoming the our preferred working method on complex projects like the Telecom website. Total collaboration between our two teams creates a great fusion of subject matter experts and digital experts; it ensures everything is challenged, and ultimately it produces the best result for Telecom.”